‘With the theme of ‘An equal world is an enabled world’ the SRM IST Vadapalani Campus celebrated the ‘International Women’s Day’ on 9th March 2020 at the college premises. The special guest of the day Dr. Radika Vairavelavan , Director, Chathur Lakshana Academy of Fine Arts, cited many instances from Sangam and Vedic ages to exemplify how women had been more empowered and dignified in those ages, and also referred to real-time women achievers to make the students realize the potential that every woman is endowed with. Stating the basic the strength of woman, which lies in her education, she expounded how to enjoy freedom with responsibility and integrity which would strongly pave a way for understanding the fine-line-balance in taking up responsibilities towards creating a gender equal world.
Presiding over the function, Dr.K.Subburam , Director, Academics , SRM IST Vadapalani Campus highlighted women’s socio and political achievements and also expressed an insight on how women can accentuate their interest and potentials into higher education and research fields so that they can witness themselves more accomplished in all aspects. Dr.K.R.Anantha Padmanaban, Dean, SRM IST graced the occasion. The programme ended with a cultural fest underlining the power of women in accomplishing themselves.