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Indus Towers announces Consolidated results!

Indus Towers announces Consolidated results for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2024

Consolidated Revenues for the quarter at Rs. 7,383 Crores, up 4.3% Y-o-Y Consolidated EBITDA for the quarter at Rs. 4,545 Crores, up 29.4% Y-o-Y Consolidated Profit after Tax for the quarter at Rs. 1,926 Crores, up 42.9% Y-o-Y
Robust Operational and Financial performance continues, Collections improve Highlights for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024
• Total Tower base of 225,910 with closing sharing factor of 1.66
• Consolidated Revenues at Rs. 7,383 Crores, up 4.3% Y-o-Y
• Consolidated EBITDA at Rs. 4,545 Crores, up 29.4% Y-o-Y
• Consolidated Profit after Tax at Rs. 1,926 Crores, up 42.9% Y-o-Y
Gurugram, July 30, 2024: Indus Towers Limited (“Indus Towers” or “the Company”) today announced its audited Consolidated results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024. The Consolidated revenue for the quarter was Rs. 7,383 Crores, up 4.3% Y-o-Y. Consolidated EBITDA was at Rs. 4,545 Crores, up 29.4% Y-o-Y and representing an EBITDA margin of 61.6%. The net profit for the quarter was Rs. 1,926 Crores, up 42.9% Y-o-Y. The Return on Equity (Pre-Tax) improved to 34.7% as against 18.7% on Y-o-Y basis [Return on Equity (Post Tax) improved to 25.7 % as against 13.8% Y-o-Y basis]. The Return on Capital Employed improved to 20.9% as against 13.8% on Y-o-Y basis. Q1 FY25 had a write back of Rs. 760 Crores in provision for doubtful receivables, aided by collections against past overdue.
Prachur Sah, Managing Director and CEO, Indus Towers Limited, said:
“Another quarter of robust tower additions reaffirms our competitive strength in the passive infrastructure space. Business growth along with continued collection of past dues underpinned our strong financial performance.
We expect network expansion and 5G deployments by our customers to continue to act as growth levers. We are confident of building on these opportunities to create value for our shareholders in a sustainable manner.”
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Indus Towers Limited – Media Release July 30, 2024
Summary of the Consolidated Statement of Income – Represents Consolidated Statement of Income as per IND AS.
(Amount in Rs. Crores, except ratios)
Quarter Ended
Y-on-Y Growth
Revenue1 EBITDA1
Profit/(Loss) before Tax Profit/(Loss) after Tax Operating Free Cash Flow1&2
7,383 4,545 2,944 2,592 1,926 1,755 3,377
7,076 3,514 2,105 1,810 1,348 535 2,468
4.3% 29.4% 39.8% 43.2% 42.9% 228.1% 36.9%
Adjusted Fund From Operations(AFFO)1&3
1. Revenue, EBITDA, EBIT, Operating free cash flow and Adjusted Fund from Operations (AFFO) are excluding other income.
2. Operating Free Cash Flow is a non IND AS measure and is defined as EBITDA adjusted for capex and repayment of lease liabilities.
3. Adjusted Fund From Operations is a non IND AS measure and is defined as EBITDA adjusted for Maintenance and General Corporate capex and repayment of lease liabilities.
Tower & Co-Location Base
Jun 30, 2024
Mar 31, 2024
Q-on-Q Growth
Jun 30, 2023
Y-on-Y Growth
225,910 374,928
1.66 68,562 41,094
219,736 368,588
1.68 70,027 41,435
6,174 6,340
-2.1% -0.8%
198,284 347,879
1.75 73,380 41,556
27,626 27,049
-6.6% -1.1%
Key Indicators
Average Sharing Factor
Closing Sharing Factor
Sharing Revenue per Tower p.m.1
Sharing Revenue per Sharing Operator p.m.1
Times Times Rs Rs
Jun 30, 2024
Mar 31, 2024
Q-on-Q Growth
Jun 30, 2023
Y-on-Y Growth
11,178 16,301
10,686 14,799
492 10.1%
7,854 13,110
3,324 24.3%
Sharing Revenue per Sharing Operator p.m1
Nos Rs
1 A revenue item has been reclassified for both macro and lean towers, and the corresponding changes have been made in the sharing revenue metrics. Previous period figures have been restated to conform to current quarter classification.
About Indus Towers Limited
Indus Towers Limited is India’s leading provider of passive telecom infrastructure and it deploys, owns and manages telecom towers and communication structures, for various mobile operators. The Company’s portfolio of 225,910 telecom towers, makes it one of the largest tower infrastructure providers in the country with presence in all 22 telecom circles. Indus Towers caters to all wireless telecommunication service providers in India. The Company has been the industry pioneer in adopting green energy initiatives for its operations.

For further details visit www.industowers.com

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